Friday, September 26, 2014

JC Has Arrived at the Jesus Blog

Earlier in the week, we teased that JC was coming.  He has now arrived.  JC is, of course, James Crossley, Professor of Bible, Culture, and Politics at the University of Sheffield, who is joining us as a regular contributor.  Anyone familiar with discussions in NT studies involving the historical Jesus, the Gospels, Jewish law, the Bible and culture, or the Bible and critical theory will be very familiar with James's work.  He will continue to maintain his own blog at Harnessing Chaos, but will join us here for all things historical Jesus.  Speaking for myself (Chris), though I doubt Anthony will disagree, I consider James one of the most important voices in current historical Jesus work.  To say that his is an original voice is too much of a cliché, so I'll just say that I probably learn more from his work than anyone else in the field right now simply because he is constantly taking a different approach to problems, whether new ones or longstanding ones.  His recent work, especially Jesus in an Age of Terror and Jesus in an Age of Neoliberalism, has charted new territory in the modern contexts of historical Jesus work.  I really can't wait for his new Jesus book to land, Jesus and the Chaos of History (Oxford University Press), and to see some of the discussion it generates.  For those who care, and I know lots of you who read this blog do, I'm told that it is explicitly positioned as "post-criteria" historical Jesus research.  When we asked James what he thought about joining the blog, he said he'd love to drag the good name of historical Jesus research further into the mud with us, and that sealed the deal.  Welcome James!

Should we have a formal welcoming evening of drinks at SBL?  Would any readers of the blog like to join us if we do?


  1. Formal or informal, but I'd be keen!

  2. Oh, you changed the "About Le Donne, Crossley, and Keith" picture. :-(

  3. Shal we just make this part of the bibliobloggers' gathering? Shall we start organizing that? Maybe Monday after the Blogger and Online Publication session?

    1. I'm open. Although I think that I have a committee meeting after that session.


    2. ...but don't let me spoil your fun!


    3. I already have dinner plans immediately after that session, but could meet later that night. But is that the night of the Sheffield reception? I think typically it is that night.

    4. I've been trying to figure out when university receptions are and they seem not to be in the online program book. I'm pretty sure that every evening there are some things that some people will want to go to, who would also attend the biblioblogger/"Welcome JC" event. And so I think we will have to pick a night and have people come and go.

      Also, I've heard from a publisher interested in playing the host for us. And so presumably the drinks being on them trumps other scheduling concerns, right? :-)

      But do let me know which days and times you think would work best, and let's do some serious brainstorming about this!

  4. Great news! I thought it could be Jarvis Cocker ("I am not Jesus thought I have the same initials.." Dishes) but Crossley is much more on topic :-) Welcome!

  5. Crossley is kind of dreamy, doncha think?

  6. Where's the LIKE-button?
    Also, I'm looking forward to JC's book, especially to see in what way it is "post-criteria."
    Most of them are "post-criteria, but not that post-criteria"...

  7. I won't be making it to SBL this so I guess I will have to drink alone.

